
Samples from Atelier

Jan Kudlacek worked from the sixties of last century until 1985 in his Smichov (Prague 5 district) studio.

Since 1985 until year 2010 he worked of fashion house " Na Hradcanske", in the streed "Pod Bastami".

The illustration he formed by oil painting, lynocuts, mezzotyns (also known as techniques of  la maniere anglaise), litografies and techniques created by method  of a dry needle.

I´ts a long way to creating a book

Its a long way to creating a book. First of all maquette must be made (sometimes called also as mock-up). It is practically a full proposal of the book with text and illustrations, with they placements after single pages, just a would everything a look out as being in the final printed shape look. Just after creation of this maquette (mock-up), subsequently arise illustrations themselves and when be formed, everything comes together with the printer, editors and other people dealing with book creation.


Little girl and butterfly:

Exhibits from the book proposal books and resulting book printed

Book: Stork

Exhibits from the book proposal books and resulting book printed

Book: Frog and fish king

Exhibits from the book proposal books and resulting book printed


J A N   K U D L A C E K