
Jan Kudlacek died in his atelier - November 25, 2017 at the age of 89 years
Vaclav Kudlacek - son, died died after a short illness - April 24, 2018 at the age of 53
These pages were created during the life of Jan Kudláček and he sincerely enjoyed them. They succeeded in completing them and launching them with the help of Václav Kudláček, who was the son of Jan and devoted them as a tribute to his father, his work and especially to his readers and admirers.
Vaclav Kudlacek was also planning to possibility for sale reproductions of illustrations and originals in the upcoming, unpublished section, "Selling Illustrations". The publication of this option has not occurred. I do not know if the administrator of inheritance will offer this possibility to the public.

- Jan Kudlacek and Vaclav Kudlacek for author their cooperation in creating this website
- Site author Miroslav Kolcava
- Author of photographs from originals: Kristy - Lifebykristy
- Mr. Vaclav Kudlacek for the payment for the operation of this website for the period May 2017 -2018
- Mr. Miroslav Kolcava for the payment for the operation of this website for the period May 2018 -2019
- Mrs. Jitka Lipovska for the payment of the operation of this website for the period May 2019-2020
- Mrs. Jitka Lipovska for the payment of the operation of this website for the period May 2020-2021
- Mrs. Ivana Hanusova for the payment of the operation of this website for the period May 2021-2022
- Mr. Miroslav Kolcava for the payment for the operation of this website for the period May 2022 -2023
- Mrs. Ivana Hanusova and Mr. Miroslav Kolcava for the payment of the operation of this website for the period May 2023-2024
- Mrs. Ivana Hanusova and Mr. Miroslav Kolcava for the payment of the operation of this website for the period May 2024-2025
"I wish all visitors to this site beautiful days"
Mr. Miroslav Kolcava
author and admin of this sites
If you have any serious questions, please contact me via this form
Friendly website: Message from Bohemia